The Atlantic Culture and Arts Exchange Association was registered as a Non-Profit Organization in Ontario in 2010 and held its first inaugural meeting in 2013. Our mission statement is to bridge the cultural and arts exchange between Canada, China and other countries. The Atlantic Culture and Arts Exchange Association has three branches: the Atlantic Photographers Association, the Atlantic Artists Association, and the Atlantic Calligraphers Association. We have more than 600 active registered members and more than 2000 non-registered participants from Canada, the United States and China alone. The Atlantic Culture and Arts Exchange Association has organized multiple Toronto International Photography Competitions, annual Art Shows and Calligraphy Shows that have been widely praised by the artistic community. We conduct high quality online and in-person art seminars/lectures, and organize outdoor photography excursions and sketching/painting trips regularly. The Atlantic Culture and Arts Exchange Association is dedicated to building a platform for artists and art lovers to advance their skills and showcase their work. 大西洋文化艺术交流协会于2010年,经加拿大的安大略省政府批准,注册成为非牟利性组织,并于2013年召开了隆重的成立大会。其宗旨是为加拿大同中国及世界各地的文化艺术交流架起桥梁。 协会下设三个专业协会:大西洋摄影家协会,大西洋美术家协会和大西洋书法家协会。目前大西洋文化艺术交流协会拥有来自加拿大,美国和中国等地注册会员600余人,非注册会员(十几个摄影,美术,书法以及协会公共微信群)两千余人。 大西洋摄影家协会曾多次举办《多伦多国际摄影大奖赛》,大西洋美术家协会和大西洋书法家协会的年度公开展,均受到多伦多华人艺术圈的广泛关注和好评!三个专业协会每年举办线上和线下高水平专题艺术讲座几十场,大西洋摄影家协会组织的外拍,大西洋美术家协会的郊外写生,都深受会员欢迎! 大西洋文化艺术交流协会可以为喜欢和热爱摄影,美术及书法的朋友提供展示才华和继续提高的艺术平台!
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